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880,00 € monthly (ggf. wird eine einmalige Anmeldegebühr fällig)
Voraussetzung: Abgeschlossenes Erststudium
Winter and summer semester
Am Standort
4 Semester
Master of Science
Bewerbungsfrist: offen
Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
Given the significant shifts in the economy resulting from digitalization, globalization, and climate change, international companies must adapt to remain successful. To address these challenges, companies need effective strategic approaches and transformation processes. During this practice-oriented program, you’ll acquire comprehensive knowledge of strategic management, as well as an extensive understanding of international corporate structures and transformation processes. If you aspire to become a respected authority in this field and seek answers to the pressing questions of today, the Master's program in International Business Management (M.Sc.) is an excellent choice.
1. Admission Criteria
To be eligible for admission to the Master's program in International Business Management (M.Sc.) at Hochschule Fresenius, you must meet the following requirements:
You possess a Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 180 credit points.
You have earned 50 credit points in management, business, or economics during your Bachelor's program. If you do not meet this requirement, you must pass an admissions test.
You can demonstrate English language proficiency at Level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
If you have not yet completed your Bachelor's degree, you can still enroll in the Master's program at Hochschule Fresenius, provided you have completed at least 80 percent of the required credit points. Additionally, Bachelor's students at Hochschule Fresenius will only be required to pay monthly Master's tuition fees when beginning their Master's program.
For further details, please contact our Study Advice Service.
2. Program Details
The Master’s program in International Business Management (M.Sc.) offers a comprehensive education in various fields, such as:
Strategic Management: You’ll gain extensive knowledge of analyzing, developing, and evaluating corporate and business strategies across companies of all sizes.
International Management: You’ll acquire a comprehensive understanding of strategic analysis, evaluation, and implementation of internationalization steps and the establishment of global and transnational corporate strategies.
Transformation Management: You’ll develop vital skills necessary for planning, implementing, and communicating change and transformation processes, as well as managing complex data and information on trends and future changes in a global context.
Advanced Management Essentials: You’ll learn critical leadership-oriented management skills to lead projects and teams and manage companies in a future-oriented and agile manner.
Research Methods & Empirical Skills: You’ll understand how research informs business-related decisions and acquire a range of specific methods to gather and analyze data.
You’ll also have the option to improve your language and intercultural skills by enrolling in a German or foreign language course.
3. Program Structure
Our M.Sc. program in International Business Management spans a total of four semesters. The first two are dedicated to building the fundamental knowledge necessary for a successful career in business. Some of the initial courses include:
International & Global Management
Corporate Strategy
Leadership & Management
Advanced Project Management
Applied Strategic International Management
Managing Transformation & Change
Innovation Management & Design Thinking
Quantitative & Qualitative Methods for Business
This degree also offers you the flexibility to explore your personal interests and enhance your professional profile. During your 3rd semester, you can choose from the following elective modules:
Corporate Finance
Sustainability Management & CSR in a Global Context
International Relations & Current World Affairs
Consumer Behavior & Psychology
Strategic Marketing & Brand Management
Alternatively, you may choose to complete an internship in lieu of an elective module or opt for a semester abroad. During your 4th semester you’ll finalize your degree with your Master’s Thesis.