Design Research (M. Sc.)

Hochschule Anhalt

06846 Dessau-Roßlau
  • Studienrichtung:
    Facility Management Facility Management
  • Studiengebühren:
    1.250 euros per semester
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
    abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Architektur, Kunstgeschichte, archäologischen Fächern oder vergleichbaren Studiengängen
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    2 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Science
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
Hochschule Anhalt
Hochschule Anhalt © Hochschule Anhalt

Design Research (M. Sc.)


The one-year Master program COOP Design Research offers an overview of the diversity of academic scholarship in this field and contributes to strengthening a research practice by the means provided by design. The program strives to integrate design and research as a transdisciplinary field between material studies, social sciences, design anthropology, cultural studies, technology studies, architecture and design history, and theory.

Course content and objectives

Throughout the program, the students obtain the academic knowledge and intellectual competencies to critically engage with the complex challenges designers face in the 21st century. In this respect, students acquire the ability to engage in an academic discourse, to theoretically penetrate phenomena of the material environment and to articulate themselves in writing.

The students’ experiences gained in previous studies and professional practice constitute the basis for developing an approach towards a design research led by critical reflection. Comprehensive introductions to methodologies of theory reading, academic writing, field research, and analysis are provided as tools for complementing both theoretical knowledge and practical reflexivity. It is not only about what is studied, but also about how it is learned: due to its interdisciplinary and transcultural structure, the program also promotes inclusion, diversity and critical thinking.

The COOP Design Research MSc. program is conducted as a teaching cooperative by Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in cooperation with Humboldt University Berlin, with coursework taking place both at Gropius’ Bauhaus in Dessau and—to a lesser degree—at Humboldt University in Berlin. The diversity of the teaching staff with their different academic backgrounds contributes to the multi-perspectivity of the program. The courses are jointly run by professors and lecturers from the associated institutions as well as by international guest lecturers.

Drawing from different teaching methods contributed by each of the three aforementioned partner institutions, the core of the MSc. program relies on three thematic building blocks: Design as Research; Design as Education; Design as Projection.


University Degree
A qualified university degree in a bachelor’s or master's degree program in Architecture, Design, Cultural Studies or related programs with a standard period of study of at least 4 years (240 ECTS) is required.

Language Skills

English language proficiency (TOEFL min. 600 (PBT) or 94 (iBT), IELTS min. 7,0 or equivalent). An evidenced graduation from an English-medium university is also accepted.

Work experience

Work experience of at least one year in the fields of architecture, design, cultural studies or equal is required.

Aptitude Test Procedure
Candidates are asked to submit a portfolio. After submission and evaluation of the portfolio, an additional personal interview can be requested.

Further information of Design Research (M. Sc.) is provided by the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.
  • Studienrichtung:
    Facility Management Facility Management
  • Studiengebühren:
    1.250 euros per semester
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
    abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Architektur, Kunstgeschichte, archäologischen Fächern oder vergleichbaren Studiengängen
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    2 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Science
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • siehe Website
06846 Dessau-Roßlau
 Allgemeine Studienberatung
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