Architecture (DIA) (M. A.)

Hochschule Anhalt

06846 Dessau-Roßlau
  • Studienrichtung:
    Architektur Architektur
  • Studiengebühren:
    850 Euro per semester
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    4 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Arts
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
Hochschule Anhalt
Hochschule Anhalt © Hochschule Anhalt

Architecture (DIA) (M. A.)


  • Designing the environment sustainability
  • Using tools of new media and technologies in architecture
  • Integrating theoretical approaches in practice of designs

Course content and objectives

The study program Architecture (DIA) is located right next to the world-famous Bauhaus Dessau. It is influenced by its vivid history and driven by innovation. It complements the bachelor’s program in Architecture by systematically deepening the topics of architecture and urban planning. This then complete architecture education fulfills all formal regulations needed to apply for membership of the architectural association. The focus is on strengthening the knowledge in design expertise and methodology. Another focus is on the analysis of current questions related to culture and social sciences as well as to the humanities. Also the latest insights into research and development, new procedures, technologies and materials are highlighted.


University Degree
A qualified university degree in Architecture with a regular study time of at least 3 years (180 ECTS) is required.

Language Skills
English language proficiency (TOEFL 605 points (PBT) or 88 points (iBT); IELTS min. 6.5; Cambridge Main Suite of English Examination or equivalent). An evidenced graduation from an English-medium college or university is also accepted.

Aptitude Test Procedure
A portfolio, representing the work and the intention of the applicant, is evaluated by a commission.

Further information regarding Architecture (DIA) (M. A.) is provided by Hochschule Anhalt.
  • Studienrichtung:
    Architektur Architektur
  • Studiengebühren:
    850 Euro per semester
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    4 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Arts
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • siehe Website
06846 Dessau-Roßlau
 Allgemeine Studienberatung
Allgemeine Studienberatung
+49 3496 6752 03
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