Duales Studium zum B. A. (m/w/d) Betriebswirtschaftslehre - International Business

WALDNER Holding SE & Co. KG

88239 Wangen im Allgäu
Praxisintegrierendes duales Studium
  • Beruf:
    BWL - International Business (B.A.) BWL - International Business (B.A.)
  • Bewerbungsfrist:
  • Mindestabschluss:
    Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
    oder (Fach-)Abitur
  • Freie Ausbildungsplätze:
    Freie Plätze vorhanden
  • Dauer:
    3 Jahre
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
Duales Studium zum B. A. (m/w/d) Betriebswirtschaftslehre - International Business
Duales Studium zum B. A. (m/w/d) Betriebswirtschaftslehre - International Business © WALDNER Holding SE & Co. KG

Duales Studium zum B. A. (m/w/d) Betriebswirtschaftslehre - International Business Start 2025

The headquarters and central production site of our globally operating group of companies are located in Wangen im Allgaeu where we develop and produce high-class capital assets “Made in Germany“ – according to our customers‘ specific requirements for optimum functionality and long-lasting durability. The scope ranges from filling machines for the food industry to lab room solutions for research buildings. And wherever education is a high priority, our flexible furniture and fittings systems provide for varied classes, modern training, and pioneering research. The corporate group WALDNER is organized under the holding company with the following three operative companies: Hermann WALDNER, WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen and HOHENLOHER.

Undergraduate studies (BA)

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) International Business plan, organize and monitor the cross-national activities of companies as well as unions, associations and organizations.
  • You will asume tasks and executive functions in different functional areas and committees.
  • The program follows a three-month rhythm, in which students switch between the university and their partner company. The theoretical phases will take place at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Ravensburg or at a partner university abroad.
  • The study period of this program is 3 years, which means 6 semesters.
Practical training phases:
  • Internship 1 – 4: Material logistics and production management, Marketing/Sales, Finance and Accounting/Controlling, as well as Human Resources Management and Organisation
  • 5. to 6. internship: Focus on two selected functional areas
  • Preparing of two projects in the first two years which includes also a written composition
  • Bachelor thesis and an oral examination in the sixth semester
Academic studies:
  • General business: Balancing of accounts, Bookkeeping, Marketing, Cost accounting, Economics, Business English and Law
  • Specific business skills: „International Business" and „Cultural Management"
  • All lectures will be teached in English
  • A second language (Spanish or French) is mandatory
  • Further languages are possible


  • General qualification for university entrance (Allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife)
  • It is also possible to study this program with an advanced technical college entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife), a qualifying examination at our university has to be passed for this purpose. Details will be find on the website of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University under the section application/ requirements
  • Communicative and analytical skills
  • High motivation
  • Ability for networked thinking and teamwork
  • Tendency to customer-oriented operations
  • Regional and cultural flexibility
  • Advanced knowledge of foreign languages


  • Intensive Onboarding program
  • Digital workplace with iPads and online plattform
  • 35h working hours per week, 30 days vacation, flexibile working hours
  • Modern training centers & qualified trainers
  • Very diversified studies through different product divisions/ companies at the headquarter in Wangen
  • Annual group event
  • Over 1.000 € monthly salary (plus Christmas and vacation bonus)
  • 49 € monthly mobility bonus
  • Awards for training achievements/ milestones
  • Regular workshops
  • Stays abroad
  • Very high chances for an employment contract after the studies
  • & many more benefits!

Waldner Holding SE & Co. KG
Anton-Waldner-Str. 10 - 16
88239 Wangen im Allgäu

  • Beruf:
    BWL - International Business (B.A.) BWL - International Business (B.A.)
  • Bewerbungsfrist:
  • Mindestabschluss:
    Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
    oder (Fach-)Abitur
  • Freie Ausbildungsplätze:
    Freie Plätze vorhanden
  • Dauer:
    3 Jahre
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • vollständige Bewerbungsunterlagen
  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf
  • die letzten 2 Schulzeugnisse
  • Praktikumsnachweise
  • sonstige Qualifikationsnachweise

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88239 Wangen im Allgäu
Frau Teresa Halder
Frau Teresa Halder
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Ravensburg
88212 Ravensburg