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Dieser interdisziplinäre Bachelor-Studiengang verbindet auf einzigartige Weise die Schnittstelle von Wirtschaft und Technik. Unser Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, grüne Technologien und eine global vernetzte Perspektive vermittelt hervorragende Schlüsselqualifikationen, um die komplexen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu meistern.
Der Studiengang wird ausschließlich in englischer Sprache angeboten.
Get educated as tomorrow’s expert
Get prepared for leading positions in global teams at the interface between business and engineering, providing the canvas for managers of tomorrow. Take on the challenge and shape our future at Germany's most sustainability-oriented University.
Your modules at a glance
This interdisciplinary bachelor program incorporates all aspects necessary to meet the demand of young students seeking a global perspective at the edge between business and technology.
In six semesters, students are enabled to study business and engineering through innovative learning concepts. Our focus on sustainability, green technologies, and a globally interrelated perspective provides future graduates with excellent key qualifications and enables them to master the challenges of our time.
Real-life business projects as well as training in organization, methods and communication skills complete our students’ academic and personal profile.
As a special benefit, German language and intercultural communication modules will pave the way for a possible professional life in Germany or German enterprises abroad.
Careers for Industrial Engineers
With the elimination of trading barriers and the increase in international connectedness, worldwide markets have opened up for companies. But a worldwide market also means increasing competition: Business decisions have become more complex, and the demands on companies’ performance are growing.
More complex, divided work processes mean more specialized employees. We need generalists to solve the resulting problems at the interface between technology and business.
With their comprehensive perspective on production and business processes, industrial engineers are experts in solving interdisciplinary problems. When engineers without sufficient economic knowledge encounter economists with a limited technical background, the workflow suffers.
Industrial engineers understand designers and production planners, project managers, sales and marketing staff. They have a comprehensive view on business processes and solve problems with a view on technology as well as business. Industrial engineers make sure products work – and sell.
Communication on a global scale is essential in the global work environment of industrial engineers and an integral part of their day-to-day job. They handle complex issues with international partners, using their intercultural skills on a daily basis. With their awareness that business is both global and local they make sure that multinational companies consider cultural, regional and individual needs, accompany and mediate the global integration of small- and medium-sized regional businesses, and take advantage of new trends and opportunities in the digital economy.
Job chances for industrial engineers educated in Germany are excellent. They work in all areas of the economy, in small and large enterprises, industry and commerce, consulting and insurance, utility companies and the public sector: