International Media Cultural Work (IMC) (M. A.)

Hochschule Darmstadt

64295 Darmstadt
  • Studienrichtung:
    Medien und Kommunikation Medien und Kommunikation
  • Studiengebühren:
    siehe Website
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
    Wintersemester/ Sommersemester
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    3 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Arts
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
Hochschule Darmstadt
Hochschule Darmstadt © Hochschule Darmstadt

International Media Cultural Work (IMC) (M. A.)


Curating – Communicating – Managing – These three terms span the huge field of digital media and its technologies, for which International Media Cultural Work will qualify its students as superbly imaginative leaders and strategically outstanding executives. During the program,students will focus on media aesthetic education and cultural communication to develop expertise in inspiring society to a deeper and critical understanding of media technologies’cultural implications, as well as their social and ethicalphilosophical dimensions. The course’s practical goal is to encourage society and individuals to use media for skillful self-expression, as well as for creative and emancipatory practices. The program is conducted in English. Its perspective is international and intercultural. The students will work in transdiscipline, collaborative, and experimental environments.


Per semester, one compulsory module (Transdisciplinary Media Cultural Projects/TMCPs) has to be attended as well as three electives. The third/fourth semester is dedicated to the master project. The TMCPs are research-oriented, merging theoretical knowledge, communicational concepts, technological methods, managerial steering strategies with cultural practices. The electives within the field of Curating and Communicating are complemented by electives from the field of Management and Technology. They can be selected according to personal specializations.


Graduates in International Media Cultural Work enjoy an extensive field of career opportunities, including

  • Executive positions (e.g. cultural managers, dramaturges, cultural editors, art educators)
  • Independent freelance work (e.g. as curators, consultants, cultural publicists, exhibition designers)
  • Researchers (e.g. with independent scientific or scholarly projects)

Employers may be cultural institutions, media companies, educational organizations, or industrial or economic corporations.


A diploma or bachelor degree is required from the following fields: digital media, media culture, or media pedagogy. Applicants with a degree in related fields (e.g. media design, media informatics and technology, media management, journalism), or adjacent fields (e.g. cultural management, social pedagogy, social work, design, art history, musicology) will be checked for eligibility, as will those applicants with a grade point average below 1,9 (or German standard equivalent). The eligibility assessment, includes the final grade point average of the bachelor’s degree or diploma, practical experience, and a letter of motivation. A good command of English is also required.

Additional information on the study program

  • Studienrichtung:
    Medien und Kommunikation Medien und Kommunikation
  • Studiengebühren:
    siehe Website
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
    Wintersemester/ Sommersemester
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    3 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Arts
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • siehe Website
64295 Darmstadt
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