International Marketing and Sales (M. A.)

  • Studienrichtung:
    Internationales Marketing Internationales Marketing
  • Studiengebühren:
    154,- € / Semester
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    3 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Arts
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
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  • International Marketing and Sales (Master of Arts)

    Imagine, after your Bachelor’s you could…

    • …engage in teams with ambitious members like you are
    • …work scientifically on current business issues
    • …broaden your understanding and capabilities in relevant marketing and sales issues

    Sounds good? Then come to Aalen and join the M.A. International Marketing and Sales (MIM)!

    MIM is a scientific master program, which addresses current issues of business and equips the students to enter the managerial track in the field of marketing and sales and beyond. Therefore, a wide range of subjects are incorporated, covering current challenges and opportunities of the business world such as digitization. The lectures are characterized by project-based work in small groups and are given in English language. At MIM you can expect an interactive teaching style.

    What do you need to know about the MIM program?
    • The program offers integrated insight from current research findings and current real-world concerns of managers.
    • The faculty members have worked and have been trained at some of the best firms and universities of the world. This background shapes the classroom experience: theory is tested against praxis and praxis is improved based on theory.
    • Class sizes are small so that discussions, supervision of projects and active learning can be encouraged and easily realized.
    • English is the language of instruction. Over 90 % of lectures and assignments are held in English. Students will understand and analyze data from Anglo-Saxon journals and use English at professional and academic level.
    What can you do with the degree?
    The short answer is lots of things! With this degree, you have a choice between traditional or non-traditional path.

    1) The first path is the classic one of going into a large mid-sized or a global firm in marketing or sales department, depending on your training in technical or in marketing area. But, there are new kinds of jobs.

    2) The non-traditional path is emerging in developing new strategies for marketing intelligence, product management, servitization process management, etc. As manufacturing companies move into new types of services, digitization, new ownership structures of automobiles and other gadgets, you will find that there are jobs and careers that are right for you.
    • Studienrichtung:
      Internationales Marketing Internationales Marketing
    • Studiengebühren:
      154,- € / Semester
    • Voraussetzung:
      Abgeschlossenes Studium
    • Studienbeginn:
    • Regelstudienzeit:
      3 Semester
    • Studienabschluss:
      Master of Arts
    • Immatrikulationsfrist:
    • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • PDF-Download:
  • Bewerbungsunterlagen:
    • siehe Website
    Zentrale Studienberatung
    +49 7361 576-1000
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